Idioms - BREAK THE ICE - English Vocabulary

Today I'm going to talk about the Idiom “break the ice”.

Idioms are part of daily conversation, so by learning them, you'll be able to understand native speakers more easily, and you'll also be able to communicate more naturally.  So how do we use the Idiom “break the ice”? If we break the ice, we're starting a conversation or an interaction with someone to make the situation more comfortable. Here's an example: • I was really nervous about meeting my new classmates, so I decided to break the ice by asking them where they were from.  • At the networking event, she broke the ice by introducing herself and telling a funny story about her previous job. There you go. Don't be shy. Break the ice. Turn that awkward moment into an enjoyable conversation.  I hope that helps. Thanks for watching. See you next time. More from Organic English: Organic English Website: On Facebook: On Instagram: SUBSCRIBE ➡️ #idioms #english #vocabulary #learnenglish #grammar #ielts #englishteacher #englishvocabulary #englishlearning #englishidioms #englishgrammar #englishtips #englishlanguage #phrasalverbs #toefl #education #studyenglish #learningenglish #learning #phrases #speakenglish #idiom #englishclass #esl #ingles #language #englishcourse #proverbs #vocab #learnenglishonline


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