Phrasal Verb: KEEP UP - English Vocabulary #shorts

Increase your English vocabulary with phrasal verbs!

Hi, folks. Charlie here. Today's phrasal verb is "keep up." We're working on building vocabulary. This is the most important thing you can do to become more fluent in English. Now, phrasal verbs have different meanings in different contexts. Today, we're looking at the top two ways we use "keep up." 1) We use "keep up" to mean - to move, to make progress, or to increase at the same rate as somebody or something. For example: • She was walking so fast I couldn't keep up. • By studying really hard, she managed to keep up with her classmates. • Wages are not keeping up with inflation. 2) We use "keep up" to mean - to continue to do something. For example: • Well done. Keep up the good work. • We're having difficulty keeping up the mortgage payments. • The unions continued to keep up the pressure for higher wage ages. There you go, the phrasal verb "keep up." I hope that helps. More from Organic English: Organic English Website: On Facebook: On Instagram: SUBSCRIBE ➡️ #English #LearnEnglish #EnglishLanguage #IELTS #TOEFL #ESL #phrasalverbs #phrasalverbchallenge #englishvocabulary #englishvocabularyforbeginners #englishgrammar #englishspeaking


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