PUT DOWN - Phrasal Verb - English Vocabulary

Increase your English vocabulary with phrasal verbs!

Today's phrasal verb is "put down." 

We're building vocabulary, which is the most important thing you can do to become more fluent in English. Phrasal verbs can have different meanings in different contexts, but there's no need to be afraid of them.

Today, we're going to look at three ways you can use "put down." 

The most common way we use "put down" is when we talk about placing something in a particular location:

  • Can you put your phone down on the table?
  • She put her bag down and went upstairs. 

Another way to use "put down" is to write or record some information. For example: 

  • Could you put down your name and contact details on this form? 
  • Don't forget to put down the important points in your notebook.

A third way we use "put down" is when we talk about making someone feel stupid or unimportant by criticizing them:

  • I'm tired of my boss putting me down all the time. 
  • Don't put yourself down. You are smarter than you think.

Thanks for watching. I hope that helps. See you next time.

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