How to Form Questions in English. A Simple Guide.

Forming questions in English can be tricky, but don't worry! In this video, I explain how to form closed questions, which are questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. I cover how to invert the subject and the verb, when to use auxiliary verbs, and how to use "do" and "does" in questions. This guide is perfect for A2 level ESL learners and above who want to improve their English grammar skills. Here is a transcript of the video to help you follow along: Hi folks, Charlie here. Today, I want to talk about forming questions in English. This can be a little bit tricky, and I get a lot of questions about this. Today, we're going to look at how to form closed questions. Those are questions that you can answer with a simple yes or no. So here's the rule: If a statement uses the verb "be" or some kind of helper verb or auxiliary verb such as "has," "will," "could," then we're inverting the subject and the helper verb or the verb "be." Any other question is formed by using "do" or "does." For example, the statement, the sentence, "You are Indian." Here we are using the verb "be." To make a question, we invert the subject, "you," and that verb "be." So we swap them around, and the question becomes, "Are you Indian?" Okay, let's look at an example with an auxiliary verb, a helper verb. So here's a statement: "She has finished work." Here we're using the auxiliary, the helper verb "has." The question form of that statement would be, "Has she finished work?" To form that question, you can see we're... Here's an example of a statement that doesn't use the verb "be" or an auxiliary verb: "They live in Paris." So their main verb is "live." In this situation, we don't invert the subject and the verb. We cannot say, "Live they in Paris." We add "do" or "does." In this case, we add "do." So, "Do they live in Paris?" Here's another example: "She plays the piano." Here we're not using the verb "be" or an auxiliary verb, a helper verb. So we're using "do" or "does." In this case, it's "Does she play the piano?" A quick review of how to form questions. I hope that helps. Thanks for watching. More from Organic English: Organic English Website: On Facebook: On Instagram: SUBSCRIBE ➡️


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