Phrasal Verb - CUT OFF - English Vocabulary #shorts

Today I want to look at the phrasal verb "cut off." Phrasal verbs are tricky because they have different meanings in different contexts. Today, we're looking at the top three ways that we use "cut off." #1) "cut off" means to remove something by cutting it. Here are a couple of examples: • He had his finger cut off in an accident at work. • You should cut the tops off carrots before you cook them. #2) if you "cut someone off," you interrupt them when they're speaking and stop them from continuing. For example: • The teacher cut off the student who was talking too much in class. • My friend cut me off mid-sentence when I was telling a story. #3) "cut off" means to disconnect or to stop the flow of something. For example: • The storm cut off the electricity in the whole neighborhood. • As a punishment, his parents cut off his internet access for a whole week. So, "cut off" generally means to disconnect, interrupt, or remove something. I hope that helps. Thanks for watching. More from Organic English: Organic English Website: On Facebook: On Instagram: SUBSCRIBE ➡️ #English #LearnEnglish #EnglishLanguage #IELTS #TOEFL #ESL #phrasalverbs #phrasalverbchallenge #englishvocabulary #idiomsandphrases


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