The Power of Compounding: Achieve Long-Term English Learning Goals

Discover how to harness the power of compounding in your English language learning journey, just like Warren Buffett did with his investments. Learn to focus on small, consistent improvements for sustainable and long-term success in this insightful video. 📈🗣️📘 ❖ Support the channel HERE 👋🏽: Here is a transcript of the video to help you follow along: Today, I want to talk about a very important concept: compounding. Learning English is a long journey, and the key is to make small, sustainable gains over a long period of time. To do that, we need to harness the power of compounding. Now, let's take a look at Warren Buffett to illustrate this point. Warren Buffett is a very, very famous investor. He generated over 90% of his wealth after the age of 65 through consistent long-term investments over the decades. Now, learning a language is very similar. You have to have a long-term view like Warren Buffett and focus on small improvements. Don't expect fluency in a few months. Now, researchers who studied how Olympic cross-country skiers are trained discovered that these very high-level athletes actually train at very low intensities for more than 80% of the time. This meant that they could recover from a training session and train again the next day. They could train consistently and sustainably. Now, we can apply this to learning English. To achieve fluency, we need to take that long view. Develop those habits that are going to help you study consistently and sustainably. Through the power of compounding, small steps lead to great things. More from Organic English: Organic English Website: On Facebook: On Instagram: SUBSCRIBE ➡️ #English #LearnEnglish #EnglishLanguage #IELTS #TOEFL #ESL #English learning #language learning #compounding #sustainable progress #Warren Buffett #Olympic training #consistent practice #fluency #long-term goals #habits


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