Mastering English: Understanding 'Which' vs. 'That' - Quick Grammar Guid...
Discover the crucial differences between "which" and "that" in English grammar in this quick and informative video! Whether you're learning English as a second language or just brushing up on your grammar skills, this guide will clarify when to use these often-confused terms correctly. Dive into examples and easy explanations to enhance your speaking and writing!
Here is a transcript of the video to help you follow along:
Today, I want to talk about the difference between "which" and "that." "Which" and "that" are both words that we use when we want to give more information about something in the sentence, but they're used in slightly different situations.
We use "that" when the extra information is really important to understand the sentence. Here are some examples:
• The book that you gave me is on the table.
In this case, "that" tells me exactly which book we're talking about, the one I received from you.
This is what's called a restrictive clause or an essential clause. We use "which" when the information is just kind of extra. We don't necessarily need it to get the main point. For example:
• The book which you gave me last year is on the table.
Here, "which you gave me last year" is extra information. The main point is that the book is on the table. We don't need to know when you gave it to me. This is called a non-restrictive clause or a non-essential clause.
Notice the commas in the sentence. Here's a tip: in day-to-day conversation, native speakers will generally interchange "which" and "that." For example,
• The book that you gave me last year is on the table.
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