REMEMBER or REMIND?- Confusing English Words #shorts

REMEMBER and REMIND are commonly confused in English. Learn how to use these two words correctly. Hi folks, Charlie here. Let's look at the difference between "remember" and "remind." These are both words that have something to do with memory, but they are used in different ways and can be easily confused. Let's look at "remember" first. Now, if you remember a fact or something from the past, you keep it in your mind or bring it back into your mind. So it's something you do internally without outside help. Here are a few example sentences: • I remember the first time I visited London. It was amazing. • Just as the door closed, he remembered that he'd left his keys inside. Now let's look at "remind." "Remind" means to make someone remember something or remember to do something. So this is an external action that helps you remember something. Here are a few examples: • Can you remind me to call my mom tomorrow? • Make sure you remind John about the meeting on Friday. I hope that helps. More from Organic English: Organic English Website: On Facebook: On Instagram: SUBSCRIBE ➡️ #English #LearnEnglish #EnglishLanguage #IELTS #TOEFL #ESL #englishvocabulary #englishgrammar #englishvocabularyforbeginners #grammar #englishgrammar #confusingenglishword


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